Thursday, 24 January 2013

Dissertation Blues

Since yesterday, I've set my goal of writing 1000 words a day until Monday when I get my next brief. I managed yesterday, and so far today I've written 600 so it's still looking likely. I should then be pretty much complete for a first draft! Can't wait til it's over. I've got so much more to plan/look forward to now, from uni work to photoshoots to writing articles! Very exciting. Might actually post an outfit post tomorrow if I get chance.

Love, B x

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Snow day!


The snow first came down in the early hours of friday morning - right when I was returning from a night out so it was quite treacherous. M and I built a snowman which we named George, a small alcoholic with the traditional hat and scarf combination. However, this afternoon more snow arrived, meaning I could finally take some outfit photos. I've had the dress for years, but I still love wearing it and teaming it with my treasured blazer. I love wearing brown, and these tights are so thick. The shoes, albeit an appalling choice for the snow, are probably the best bargain I've ever bought: £70 down to £4.50. They're so comfy, love them!

A lot of people are moaning about the snow - apart from going to work, I've not been anywhere so I've not had to worry about driving. I love it though; it means I'll finally be able to crack on with some dissertation work. Here's hoping I can write about 1000 words tomorrow!
Love, B x

Monday, 21 January 2013


Today I braved the icy footpaths to go to the auditions for San Serif On Red. It was treacherous - I was practically ice skating! Fortunately - despite a few hair-raising moments of near-death - I made it without incident.

The auditions were originally meant to take place last Friday, but the blizzard meant we had to postpone them. Only two actors turned up today, and they were very good, but we'd still like to see a few more before we make our decision!

It seems like the snow is disappearing now. It's started raining very lightly and it's turning slushy. B is cooking stir fry for us now. Can't wait for it!


Sunday, 20 January 2013

San Serif On Red

Hi, M here!

I just wanted to start off my section of this blog by talking about my graduation film, San Serif on Red. It's a WWII short film about the creation of the Keep Calm and Carry On poster.

The story follows the life of Alfred Boone, a young aspiring artist and office clerk at the Ministry of Information. He was rejected from the army due to an eyesight condition called Glaucoma, which shows very few symptoms. His long term girlfriend, Vera Tully, is pregnant out of wedlock, but Alfred can't afford to support her or a family. At the office, his RAF war hero colleague Roger Clarke belittles him, implying he's a coward for not fighting in the war. When the opportunity for promotion comes up in the office, Roger and Alfred are in competition.
 At the climax of the film, Alfred reveals his true colours in a time of crisis, whilst it turns out Roger is deeply damaged by his experiences of war. The two learn to respect one another, and Alfred gets the promotion he requires to support Vera and his unborn child.

I'm the Director of Photography for the film, so I deal with all the visuals and camera/lighting work. It's immense fun and I'm really looking forward it!

There's more information about the film on the facebook page.

I look forward to showing you all when it's done!


Wednesday, 2 January 2013

First post!

Hello! B here. Despite creating this blog months ago, this is the first time a post has been made. I've made it my new years resolution to write a post at least once a week!

2013 is going to be such an exciting and life-changing year. M and I graduate in the summer from university, before being thrown out into the big, bad world. We're both planning to move back home for a couple of months until we have enough money to move into a little flat in Bristol, fingers crossed. I plan on working full-time for a year, before beginning a career in journalism, while M concentrates on finding film work. I'm so excited, and hopefully we can get a puppy too. A bichon frise called Oscar.

2012 has been a bit of a roller-coaster of a year, with the latter part being much better than the first half. However, I'm taking lots of lovely memories with me into the new year!

Highlights include:


1. Making my own bunting for my friend's birthday!
2.Valentine's Day pizza
3. Making our home-made gingerbread
4. Meeting David Bradley on the train to work (Mr. Filch)
5. Halloween
6. A short break to Somerset in what turned out to be the 
nicest week of summer for weather
7. Accidentally stumbling upon the BBC filming Doctor Who
8. Dressed up for a friend's birthday dinner
9. Seeing my favourite band, Maximo Park, live
10. Christmas holiday to Edinburgh
11. My wonderful Christmas presents
12. M's 21st birthday
13. My book for my Final Major Project at university

Photo's have messed up a little, not sure how to move them around.

Love, B x